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Iran not meddling in Bahrain, Iran operates on principal of mutual respect and non-interference

Iran says no meddling in Bahrain, PG islands Iranian 5 March, 2014 – Press TV Iran foreign ministry has categorically rejected accusations by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) of Tehran interfering in the domestic affairs of Bahrain. “The accusations leveled against Iran with regards to the internal affairs of Bahrain are completely baseless,” Iran’s more »

Poetic Terrorism: Waiting for the Revolution

Waiting for the Revolution How is it that “the world turned upside-down” always manages to Right itself? Why does reaction always follow revolution, like seasons in Hell? Uprising, or the Latin form insurrection, are words used by historians to label failed revolutions — movements which do not match the expected curve, the consensus-approved trajectory: revolution, more »