Posts by Courtesy:

URGENT – Hussain Hubail, Jaffar Marhoon, Jassim al Nouaim

URGENT – Hussain Hubail’s medical reports show he needs a chance to go abroad for heart treatment. His mum is concerned about him being operated on in the military hospital. Hussain is in court on 16th March with Jassim al Nouaim. – Jaffar Marhoon, cameraman, was moved to Jaw Prison as he has sentences in more »

Solidarity with Zapatistas under attack

Solidarity with Zapatistas under attack February 2014 Pronouncement from the UK Zapatista Solidarity Network concerning the recent attacks on Zapatista support bases and hospital staff To the Zapatista Support bases To the Good Government Juntas To the EZLN To the adherents to the Sexta To national and international human rights organisations To the alternative media more »

Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria

Western Imperialism’s Creative Destruction in Syria Finian CUNNINGHAM – 18 Februay, 2014 – Strategic Culture Foundation US-led Western regime change in Syria might be described as a process of creative destruction. Like Schumpeter’s economic concept of cyclical creative destruction, so too Washington’s political machinations in Syria seem to be playing out likewise. We begin with more »