Crimean ‘Check’ on Western Machinations in Ukraine

“American geo-strategic planners are fond of the chess game analogy, as articulated foremost by former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. In the wake of the resounding vote for Crimean unification with Russia at the weekend, it may be said that this move by the Crimean electorate declares a «check» on Washington’s machinations in the Ukraine…” more »

American's March to Fascism Western Media is a Propaganda Arm of the State

Western Media is a Propaganda Arm of the State by Finian Cunningham – Veterans News Now Western news media have long functioned as a propaganda arm of the state, concealing elite corruption at the heart of government: the collusion between corporate, financial and ruling power and the deeply anti-democratic nature of that power. Despite the more »

Iran not meddling in Bahrain, Iran operates on principal of mutual respect and non-interference

Iran says no meddling in Bahrain, PG islands Iranian 5 March, 2014 – Press TV Iran foreign ministry has categorically rejected accusations by the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) of Tehran interfering in the domestic affairs of Bahrain. “The accusations leveled against Iran with regards to the internal affairs of Bahrain are completely baseless,” Iran’s more »