Fully Supported by the US, Bahrain imprisons Children – Tell Obama to Stop it

Bahrain Regime Routinely Arrests Children as a means of terrorising families who have members that are politically active. Some Children face rape and torture by Bahrain Prison Guard and are force to stay in overflowing prisons with the adult population. There is no independent oversight and Red Crescent does not have free access to Bahrain’s more »

Scrambled Brains: Prince Bandar suffers from Uncooperative Fascist Syndrome

Rumours of reshuffling in Saudi Arabia Voltaire Network – 4 February, 2014 King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia is supposedly on the verge of overhauling his foreign policy and preparing his succession, according to rumors circulating in London and Geneva. With this in view, his intelligence chief Prince Bandar Ben Sultan has allegedly been accused of more »