Big Oils last Stand: Gathering Clouds form ‘Epic’ Opposition from Native American Alliance

The Oglala Sioux Tribe passed a resolution Friday banning TransCanada and former AFN national chief Phil Fontaine, who has been hired by the energy firm to deal with First Nations opposition to its Energy East project in Canada, from entering its territory. Keystone XL ‘Black Snake’ Pipeline to Face ‘Epic’ Opposition from Native American Alliance more »

America Needs Critical Thinking and Sense of Humanity

America Needs Critical Thinking and Sense of Humanity 27 January, 2014 – Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. – Cyrano’s Journal Today On January 16, 2014, CNN moderator Don Lemon asked Professor William Pollack (Clinical Psychologist, Harvard University), why are we witnessing daily carnage of civilian bloodbaths – shootings in schools, shopping malls, movie theatres and street more »

Detained journalists and bloggers appear in Bahrain Court of Injustice

Detained journalists and bloggers appear in court 30 January, 2014 – Reporters without Borders Reporters Without Borders reiterates its condemnation of the arbitrary behaviour of the Bahraini judicial system, which has postponed the trials of several detained news and information providers in the past two weeks. The judicial authorities must abandon all the trumped-up charges more »

Urgent – Request to help Rihana al Mousawi, Mother Falsely Imprisoned in Bahrain

Imagine your daughter stood with a friend outside the FI race course wearing a T shirt, bearing the images of Abdulhadi al Khawaja, the defence lawyer and Ahmed Humaidan, a photo-journalist. Rihana al Mousawi and Nafeesa al Asfoor were arrested on April 20th 2013 at a peaceful demonstration. They were about to be released with more »

The Democratic Republic of Bahrain

Bahrain Flag to be Replaced on Revolution’s 3rd Anniversary Perhaps, the most significant move the informal opposition has ever made, since the popular anti-regime revolution sparked in Bahrain was the announcement for a Republic state. The announcement has effectively delegitimized the absolute Monarchy that was imposed by the “self-proclaimed” (king) and dictator Hamad Alkhalifa a more »

An Examination of Imperialism and NGOs

Imperialism and NGOs in Latin America James Petras – September, 1997 By the early 1980s the more perceptive sectors of the neoliberal ruling classes realized that their policies were polarizing the society and provoking large-scale social discontent. Neoliberal politicians began to finance and promote a parallel strategy “from below,” the promotion of “grassroots” organization with more »